Club President’s Welcome to 2023!

Welcome to season 2023!

On behalf of our committee, I welcome all returning and new members to our great club for season 2023.  We plan to continue to build on the progress made last year across all areas of the club, and I am grateful for all those members who have stepped forward to help the club improve its ability to provide a great experience for all our members “on and off the pitch”. We can always use more help, so as always please call me if you are keen to volunteer – it is a great and rewarding experience!  We could use help in the areas of legal advice, public relations, sales and marketing, event planning and canteen management to name a few!

We have some exciting announcements to make over the coming months, however, we do have a critical issue facing our club right now.  The condition of our pitches in general are poor and will be a challenge for season 2023.  The club has been very active in voicing our concerns over the last 18 months. We are really disappointed with the council budget allocations for the next 4 years and specifically the short term ground conditions we are faced with.  It is not great, but we will manage through this challenge as always and put our 900+ players on the park as always.

The overwhelming feedback from the members survey in September was the condition of the facilities in general.  We updated our Vision Statement for the club based on this feedback and have attached the Season 2023 plan click here  for your information 

The Committee is advocating hard with Council regarding short and long term improvements for our club but we can use all the help we can get from our members. To that end, you are welcome to contact your local Boroondarra Ward Councillor to voice your support for better facilities for our players.  From the club perspective, we shall keep you informed of developments in the coming months.

Go Ashy!!

Ray Verratti


Ashburton United Soccer Club

0419 317 925